For scheduling of automatic task start, we recommend to choose such task, which run automatically and don't ask the user during the operation. The task setting should contain the following:
Setting of automatic starting of selected tasks of AVAST32 program, is performed via the "Scheduled tasks" menu item of "Options" menu in main program menu. By selecting this item a dialog allowing to schedule the automatic task start will appear.
A displayed window contains a list of scheduled task. There is a name of scheduled task shown in the "Task" column. The time and date of the scheduled task start is displayed in the "Scheduled at" column. Via the buttons situated under the list you can modify the list of scheduled tasks.
By clicking on the "Add" button a dialog containing a list of available tasks will appear.
Click on the selected task and press the "OK" button. A dialog allowing to set the parameters of scheduling itself will appear.
"Schedule" page allows to se the precise date and time of a task start.
"Task" page shows the function of the scheduler itself. It is recommended to modify nothing on this page.
"Settings" page allows to set some parameters of scheduling in details.
If you are satisfied with the setting, click on the "OK" button. If you don't want to save the scheduling of a task, click the "Cancel" button.
The newly scheduled task will be added to the list of scheduled tasks.
If you would like to remove a task from a list, select it by clicking on the task name and press the "Remove" button.
If you would like to modify any task listed in the list, select it by clicking on the task name and press the "Edit" button. A dialog offering to set the parameters of scheduling will appear.
The "Close" button serves for closing the "Scheduled tasks" dialog window.